“Silent Gratitude Isn’t Very Much Use to Anyone”

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Wow! 2019 is about to be a wrap. I’m sure like me, you probably have faced a lot of challenges, ups and downs, happy moments, breakthroughs, increase, loss, victories, and many more that I can’t list.

If you are reading this, guess what? You are still here and for that you should be thankful and hopeful. As we embark into the New Year, I have come to reflect on my own journey as the founder of ÀJÒ and one thing I am grateful for is being able to create a space for amazing people like you to come to - a space to reflect, reconnect and to rejuvenate. I am also very grateful for each and every client who has trusted ÀJÒ to be a part of their journey to a better living in 2019.

A question that I have asked myself over and over again this year, is this - how can I make my environment and the world around me better? That is why my team and I have decided to do better in 2020.

Here at ÀJÒ, we believe in curating experiences that leads towards wholehearted living through what we like to call the “wholeness triad”- Health, Spirituality, and Exploration. Our curated retreats focus on ways for our clients to examine and work on their physical, mental and spiritual health. However, we are taking things up a NOTCH in 2020! Because of our commitment to running this company in an environmentally conscious manner, we are adopting a holistic approach to our clients' travel experiences planning our Retreats/Getaways in a socially conscious manner.

In 2020, we will ensure that our curated experiences:

  1. Feed your physical body by teaching healthy habits and giving you evidence-based tips,

  2. Give you the opportunity to renew your emotion and mental health through the best mixture of activities for your body, mind and soul, and

  3. Engage your soul by helping ensure that your travel positively benefits the local community, and impact the environment in the most sustainable and least damaging way.

As we wrap up the year, I ask you these two questions “What are you thankful for this year?” and “How will you impact your local community and your environment in 2020?

May this year bring new goals, new achievements and a lot of new inspirations for your life. Wishing you a joyous 2020!

Olabisi Emenanjo APP, M.H.A


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Olabisi Emenanjo