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5 Ways to Make Your Diet Healthier

1. Eat Eggs, Preferably for Breakfast

Eggs are extremely nutritious, especially when eaten first thing in the morning.

They're high in high-quality protein and essential nutrients like choline, which many people don't get enough of.

2. Drink Enough Water

It is important for your well-being to drink enough water.

Drinking water has been shown in multiple studies to help with weight loss, weight maintenance, and also to marginally increase the amount of calories burned each day.

Drinking water before meals has also been shown in research to minimize appetite and calorie consumption during the corresponding meal in middle-aged and older adults.

3. Every week, try at least one new healthy recipe.

At least once a week, consider making a new healthy recipe. This will encourage you to vary your food and nutrient intakes, as well as introduce you to new and safe recipes.

Try making a healthy version of a favorite recipe instead.

4. Baked potatoes are a better choice than French fries.

Potatoes are a filling side dish that goes with a variety of dishes 

However, the method by which they're prepared has a big impact on their health.

To begin with, 100 grams of baked potatoes have 94 calories, whereas the same amount of french fries has 319 calories

5. Slow Down

The rate at which you eat has an impact on both how much you eat and how likely you are to gain weight.

Fast eaters are up to 115 percent more likely to be obese than slow eaters, according to studies comparing different eating speeds 

Hormones control your appetite, how much you eat, and how full you feel. These hormones tell your brain whether or not you're hungry.

However, because it takes your brain about 20 minutes to receive these messages, eating more slowly will give your brain the time it needs to recognize that you are full.