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6 Proven Ways of Mindfulness that Will Change Your Life Forever

You're probably reading this because you'd like to know how mindfulness will change your life. I bet you do!

You might have heard from your friends or colleagues that practicing mindfulness helped them focus better, managed their stress, changed their mindset or even helped them with their daily anxieties. Who doesn't want that? 

So, let's start with what exactly mindfulness means. Mindfulness is simply being aware intentionally. It is a state anyone can achieve by cultivating an intentional habit of awareness (paying attention to what is occurring in the present moment) then returning to that awareness again and again.

Worry no more! Because today, you will learn the 7 proven ways to use mindfulness in your everyday life and change your perspective forever.

Your life will never be the same, once you implement these.

First off, let's be clear on one thing. Mindfulness is not just about meditating, yoga, or humming, and all that you think of. These are only some of the ways to practice mindfulness.

It's important to understand that mindfulness can be incorporated into our daily routine. Yes, that's correct. It is the act of paying attention to the present moment and to your senses. When you focus on your emotions, physical feelings, sights, sounds, and smells you are already doing mindfulness. Surprise? Don't be. 

Remember the last time you visualize or imagine something? Or when you paid full attention to a thought, desire, or wish? That is mindfulness!

Now let's get into those proven ways of Mindfulness.

  1. Concentrate on only one thing at a time.

Just like a butterfly would focus on nectar at a time, so should we concrete on one thing at a time. I know we are all used to multiple tasking but research has shown that our brains are not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks as we like to think they are. In fact, some researchers suggest that multitasking can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40%.

Now, this is very crucial. A lot of us are easily distracted by so many distractions around us. I know, because I’m also guilty of this.

Set a timer for 10 - 15  minutes for example, and devote 100% of your attention to one task.

There will be no checking of your phone, no clicking on messages, or searching the internet — and there will be no multitasking. Allow the single task to take precedence before the timer goes off.

Focusing on one thing at a time can help you not just to finish a task but also to become more productive each day.

Try it! You’ll thank me for this.

2. Decide what matters.

Your to-do list is a form of mindfulness if and only if you do it right.

Your yoga instructor asks you to set an intention for your practice that day for a reason.

Setting an intention will help you concentrate and remind you why you're doing something, whether you use a journal or just being intentional before important activities.

Set an aim for something that might not be so comfortable, such as making a major presentation at work.

Make sure to put all the important things on top of your list.

3. Take a Stroll.

Being outside can help with being mindful.

Paying attention mindfully using the 5 senses is essential, they can be of great help in helping you slow down and living in the moment. Paying attention to the noises you hear, the sensation of the breeze on your skin, what you see around you, and the smells you encounter.

Remember to keep your phone in your pocket or better yet, leave it at home and try to remain present by concentrating on your senses and surroundings.

Talking a walk helps with your concentration as you need to focus and really give your undivided attention to your steps or else you may fall and stumble.

By drawing your focus and attention to as many of your five senses as you can, you tap into a part of yourself that is often disconnected from the world around you. It is in that moment you can truly feel at peace.

4. Log Out of Any Social Media Accounts You Have.

Oops. Before you get me wrong on this, please hear me out.

For some, their social media are their bread and butter because we all know that every business runs online now. I get it, but we seem to be spending a whole lot of time on it, you'll be surprised by how much you search your social media pages without even realizing it. Let’s face it. Social media affects our productivity. 

Set a time limit and an intention before getting on your social media. Then, try logging out of your account when you’re done with your set time. Typing in a password again can slow you down or even stop you from constantly being on your social media without even thinking about it.

It’s all about your intention!

5. Write it Down!

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard that having a journal can make your life a little lighter, easier, and well-managed.

This is why it is one way of mindfulness that will change your life.

If you haven’t already, I’m encouraging you to START NOW!

Having a journal means that you can write down all your worries, your burdens, your problems, your victories, and everything that comes into your mind.

Not to mention, the best part of it is writing the great things in your life (gratitude) and those that you should be thankful for.

That’s right! With all the things happening in our world right now, we really cannot predict what’s going to happen the following day or any moment.

All we have is NOW!

So why don’t you focus on the moment and write it all down? I promise you, this will make your life brighter each day.

6. Make Other People Happy.

Wish for someone to be happy at odd times in the day.

You don't need to tell the person; all you have to do is set the positive energy in motion.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by simple smiling. SMILE! :)

Better yet, greet the first person you come across the street with a “Good morning”.

Give a genuine smile to the driver next to your car.

Treat your secretary or a co-worker a cup of coffee.

You never know how hard their life is and what they’ve been going through.

But with those simple acts of kindness and affection, you already made their day and your day will also be better for it!

A smidgeon of mindfulness goes a long way. What matters most is that you practice mindfulness on a regular basis.

Daily mindfulness practice will assist you in calming your mind and overcoming negative emotions.

Need to a mindful weekend away? Check out our Wellness Retreat here

ÀJÒ meaning “Journey” in Yoruba (a language spoken in West Africa), brings you an engaging, re-energizing wholeness group getaway that focuses on Health, Spirituality, and Exploration. Studies have shown that the mind and the body are closely linked and greatly affect each other; so, we help you to nurture both and encourage healthy living.

Our group retreats are made up of small groups where social distancing is possible while doing outdoor yoga, wine tasting, and lazing around for example. All our accommodations follow the Country’s destination’s safety hygiene measures to keep you safe.

“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.”

— Renee Peterson Trudeau