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Why a Retreat Is So Much Better than a Vacation.

In times like these, everyone dreams of going on vacation to blow off some steam and relax for a week or two. These vacations include everything from family trips to adventure holidays to quiet exotic getaways. However, while people are excited to bolt off to their favorite destination, they often forget one crucial factor. Between planning the trip and executing it, they won't have much time to relax and enjoy their vacation. That's why many people opt to go on a retreat instead.

The main goal of the retreat is to create a relaxing environment in which you can disconnect from everyday life and connect with your mind, body, and soul. So, if you want to understand this concept better, keep reading to find out why a retreat is so much better than a vacation!

There is no planning

Since there is no planning when it comes to retreats, you can fully relax and focus on yourself.

When talking about reasons why a retreat is so much better than a vacation, the first thing that comes into mind is definitely planning. Once you choose your retreat type and venue, you don't have any other plans to make. You can say goodbye to making reservations, scheduling everything, finding landmarks and other locations, worrying about transportation, planning your meals, etc. We all know how stressful this can get, right? Fortunately, the service provider of your retreat is the one who manages all these things. Simply, retreats are there to truly offer you some quality time off in order to focus solely on yourself.

It offers long-term benefits

AJO Retreat guests meditating during one of AJO’s Women’s Retreat.

Besides letting you put a pause on your everyday life and jam-packed schedule, each retreat has a specific mission and goal. This goal can be focusing on the problem you want to face but don't have the time or the means to do it. It can also be talking about your issues with someone who will truly understand you and can help you get through it. It's also not rare to go on a retreat to hit pause and gain a new perspective on everything that's going on in your life.

Fortunately, in retreats, everything is focused on helping you achieve your goal - from location, accommodation, and food to exercises and professional guidance. You'll get access to everything that will help you on this journey. On the other hand, vacations are short-term pleasures you enjoy only while they last. However, going on a meditation retreat will help you regain control over your mind and body, improving your metabolism in the long run.

Additionally, professional trainers at dubaipt.com say that yoga can do miracles to both your physical and mental health. Therefore, a yoga retreat will definitely have some long-term benefits for you. For example, patients with anxiety, arthritis, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, and rheumatism will undoubtedly find relief.

Finding peace in nature

Connecting with nature will give you the strength you need to restart your life.

One of the most significant benefits of a retreat is that it allows you to be close to nature and experience its healing powers. This is something that simply cannot be matched by a regular vacation. Being in nature has been shown to reduce the production of cortisol, our primary stress hormone. Furthermore, the fresh air, tranquil surroundings, and flora allow you to relax and rejuvenate. Therefore, you can have a fresh start when you return to your everyday life.

Access to professional guidance

Healthcare practitioner BeceBright teaching on one of AJO’s Women’s Retreats.

While on a retreat, you'll have access to activities, exercises, training, and counseling sessions with experts. They will help you understand your weaknesses and boost your mental health as well as physical well-being. All these sessions are tailored to your specific needs and goals. The best part is you will be able to use all the information and techniques from these sessions in your everyday life once you come back. This implies you'll know how to maintain the mental and physical strength you gained in the retreat.

On the other hand, typical vacations don't offer this type of improvement. You won't have any type of professional guidance on vacation, nor will you improve your mental and physical health while on it. Vacations are the source of simple pleasures, nothing else. This is precisely why a retreat is so much better than a vacation.

Meeting like-minded people

Retreats are a great place to meet new friends.

At a retreat, you will have a fantastic opportunity to meet people with the same goals and interests as you. Spending time with like-minded people in the calm and welcoming environment of a retreat will help you gain new perspectives in life and deal with your problems in a healthier way. These people will be your support system, and they will help you realize what needs to change in your life and how. Most importantly, surrounding yourself with like-minded people will give you the feeling that you're not alone. Furthermore, once you meet people in situations like this, there is a good chance of forming friendships that last for life.

Spending less money

Another reason why a retreat is so much better than a vacation is related to your finances. When going on a vacation, you can never predict how much money you'll actually spend. You can plan your budget, but it's hard to stick to it because you never know what can come up. On the other hand, retreats are entirely pre-planned. While they can be expensive, they are also more economical. Once you make your payment to the service provider, you can be sure you won't spend more money, at least not much more. Therefore, retreats are more budget-friendly than regular vacations.


Since the COVID outbreak, more and more people are choosing retreats over regular vacations, and for a good reason. As you can see, there are many solid reasons why a retreat is so much better than a vacation. Besides the financial ones, you'll have plenty of long-term and life-lasting benefits, from boosting your mental and physical health to meeting like-minded people and gaining a healthier life perspective. You'll leave the retreat rejuvenated and with the knowledge of how to maintain this new state of mind and body. Therefore, if you have some free days to spare, we suggest you use them on a retreat of your choice!

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