Five Superfoods to add to your diet right away!


Also known as ‘functional foods’, the nutrient composition (minerals, vitamins and antioxidants) are much higher than the body’s basic nutritional requirements for survival. Added to a well-balanced died, not replacing on has all sorts of tremendous health benefits for you.

Here’s Five Superfoods worth adding to your shopping list:



In the time of Covid-19, we want all the immune boosting and infection fighting powers we can get. Even outside of pandemic times garlic is helped to believe to protect against cancer and of course wherever you are, flu season will find you. Best keep your immune system is top tip shape.

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Natural yoghurt

A wonderful breakfast and snack food (for adults and kids), natural yoghurt (filled with good, live bacteria) is generally full of calcium, potassium, riboflavin, protein, vitamin B12, magnesium and phosphate. The Probiotics (good bacteria) is another immune booster which will help your body fight infections and boosts digestive health.

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Sweet Potato, Pumpkin or Squash

Some of the easier vegetables to get your babies, toddlers and kids to eat plus thankfully they are great sources of fiber, vitamin A and other minerals. Low in calories and sweeter than most vegetables, no added sugar/butter is needed.



No one really needs encouragement to eat delicious salmon, but it also happens that this fatty fish (also tuna, sardines, mackerel) is packed with omega-3 fatty acids important in lowering the risk of heart disease and strokes.

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Avocados seem to be that food which you either love or hate; I’m definitely on the loving side. They are said to help the body to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Any other superfoods you love?

Don’t forget coffee lovers that you can also feed your caffeine addiction with some boost of vitamins and antioxidants! :) Sprinkle a teaspoon of ginger/tumeric/cinnamon on your coffee and get your super nutrition on!

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Give a heartfelt gift this Mother's Day! Even though COVID-19 might prevent any Getaways at this time, NOT TO WORRY!

Our Mother's Day #capetown Forest Weekend Getaway previously scheduled for May 8th - 10th will take place immediately it’s safe to!

Surprise your loved ones today and get them a post COVID-19 Getaway!!

Olabisi Emenanjo