5 Mindfulness Practices to add to your life now

Even before the COVID-19 Pandemic disrupted life as we know it, we live in distracted and stressful times. We’re almost always in a state of forward planning, living according to schedules and trying to stop on top of it all. Mindfulness- a state of purposeful attention in the present-has proven benefits for us all. And in this time when inner peace and contentment are often just around the corner, we need to add bits of mindfulness to our day. Studies suggest that mindfulness practices may help people manage stress, cope better with serious illness and reduce anxiety and depression. Now, more than ever, is the time to adapt mindfulness into our daily living.

Here’s Five mindfulness Practices to add to your day…

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Practice Gratitude

 Even in the most traumatic of circumstances, there is always something we have to be grateful for. Take a note of the blessings you receive or already have in your life; be it mentally, or on a gratitude board or journal. This is a wonderful way to find joy in the simplest and smallest of things.

Find our 30 days of Thankfulness Guide here: Thankfulness Journal Guide



Reading is a great way to slow your mind down, sit still and focus on the present. It is said to have the same effects as meditation including slowing your heart rate down and allowing yourself to focus. So, pick up that book instead of switching on the tv.

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Develop one habit at a time

There’s no point in trying to multitask to improve your day or overall your wellness by adding too many wonderful habits to your life. Instead focus on one new habit at a time to add to your life. Once it becomes natural to you, then move onto the next one.

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Breathe Deeply

Even if you’re not a yogi, you can enjoy the health (physical and mental) benefits of regular deep breathing. Inhale for three counts and then exhale for three. And repeat a few times. Focus on nothing else but your breath and enjoy the feeling of your chest rising and falling and fresh oxygen entering your body and reaching all the organs that need it.

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Make Mindfulness a priority

If you have a to-do-list for your lists, place mindfulness at the top of that list. Start the day mindfully and return to moments of being in the present as well as practicing your ability to not judge your thoughts but to observe them and then move onto the most helpful at the time.  Productive yet content is what we’d all like to aim for throughout our day.

Olabisi Emenanjo