Message from AJO's Founder

Wow! 2020 has been crazy so far. I’m sure you would agree with me that these past weeks have been among some of the most uncertain times and emotionally drained that most of us have experienced in our lifetimes. The impact of the coronavirus outbreak has been felt by individuals, families, businesses, and communities across the globe!

If you are reading this, guess what? You are still here and for that you should be thankful and hopeful. As we embark into the new territory of uncertainty, I have come to reflect on my own journey as the founder of ÀJÒ and one thing I am grateful for is being able to create a space for amazing people like you to come to - a space to reflect, reconnect and to rejuvenate. In our darkest hours, in crisis we have to make a choice. We can choice which attitude to take, and that alone is worthy of some thankfulness. In our darkest time, thankfulness let us see some silver lining, teaches us values while offering lessons as we grow through difficult times! Check out the journal I recently published on becoming habitually thankful “30 Days of Thankfulness

One of the best decisions my team and I made going into 2020, was to make our environment and the world around us better through our commitment to running this company in an environmentally conscious manner. As we have adopted a holistic approach to our clients' travel experiences, planning our Retreats/Getaways in a socially conscious manner. Sounds like mother-nature agreed! We are now hearing of wildlife and marine mammals like dolphins that are typically kept away due to tourism are now returning!

Our Retreats are curated with experiences that will:

  1. Feed your physical body by teaching healthy habits and giving you evidence-based tips,

  2. Gives you the opportunity to renew your emotion and mental health through the best mixture of activities for your body, mind and soul, and

  3. Engage your soul by helping ensure that your travel positively benefits the local community and impact the environment in the most sustainable and least damaging way.

While international travel within 2020 is still uncertain, we look ahead to an exciting year of retreats in 2021 where more than ever individuals will need to reflect, replenish and explore. 

As we continue to be hopeful, I ask you these two questions “What are you thankful for this season?” and “How will you impact your local community and your environment as you choose to travel and explore the world around you?

Continue to keep safe,

Olabisi Emenanjo APP, M.H.A


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Olabisi Emenanjo