A Few Ways to Stay Connected in a Time of Social Distancing.

Aside from taking away our freedoms, norms within the workspace, neighborhood and cities and our ability to travel, one of the biggest curveballs the Covid-19 virus has thrown us is social distancing. As humans we are created hardwired to be in contact and community with others. And not being able to do that with family and friends can take its toll on us mentally, emotionally and socially. But here are a few ways to stay connected while social distancing:

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  1. Phone a Friend

 Whilst we are very quick to email, type a message or leave a voice note; there is power in actually having a conversation and hearing each voice in real time. It’s also possible to have a conversation while doing other things (as this is a busy time). But I’ve found that sometimes we just need to mono task and focus on one special thing at a time. So, pick up the phone and get in touch with a loved one.

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2. Connect Virtually to your Sports/Spiritual/Friendship Communities

While churches/temples are closed, yoga/dance/gym studios are not allowed to operate. Virtual hangouts like Zoom have made it possible for you to stay connected to your communities. I’m able to do yoga online with an instructor, meet weekly with my church group and also plan catchup sessions with cousins. This way, you still feel active, you’re getting exercise and still staying in the connection loop.


3. Exercise with a Friend

If this is a possibility within your country’s lockdown restrictions, grab a buddy and exercise together in a social distanced way. In South Africa we have to wear masks and stay a reasonable distance apart, but some countries have already progressed to being allowed to meet up one on one with a friend and a few friends outdoors. If this is the case, making getting outdoors a priority and take this time to explore new places and spaces. Stay mindful of your mental health and what brilliant things exercise, fresh air and time with a friend can do to help to boost that.

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4. Explore Virtually

While many of us are reaching Zoom fatigue levels with all the meetings, catchups etc. There are wonderful opportunities available for us explorers to visit museums, ancient cities or islands all without leaving our couch. So, this is a great way to start to whet your appetite ahead of the time when we can really travel.

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5. Do Drive-By’s

As social visits are still prohibited in South Africa, we have found ways to be creative to see our families and friends. A drive by is a great way to visit family or friends, stay in your car and have a conversation from gate to car. You can see each other, pass some treats to each other and catch up in a safe way. It’s also a wonderful way not to miss out on throwing a baby shower or birthday and drive by with signs and drop gifts off and make your loved ones feel special.

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BlogOlabisi Emenanjo